Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Where can we find treasures?

The Hidden Treasures Project is inspired by a parable told by Jesus of a man who found a treasure in a field. In order to possess the treasure he bought the field to get it. (Mt.13:44)

The Apostle Paul reminds Christians that they possess treasure hidden in earthen vessels. Every human being, regardless of nationality, ethnic background or creed, has within himself or herself a valuable treasure ready to be discovered and developed. The treasure is nothing more than the potentials that the Creator has deposited in each and every person.

To survive in this life, people not only need food and drink, they need to find the purpose and meanings of their lives. That is why it isn’t enough to supply a person’s basic material necessities. To be fulfilled, it is essential that a person discovers and develops his or her potential. Only then will his or her life be imbued with the dignity necessary the development of a fulfilled life.

The objective of the Hidden Treasures Project is to help children and adults who live in the shantytowns (favelas) of Brazilian cities to discover the valuable treasure they have within themselves—before crime enlists them or social injustice destroys them.

In the crime-ridden favelas of Rio de Janeiro, multitudes of children grow up without a positive life perspective. Instead they are abandoned. Abandoned, their lives are given to an uncertain future. In uncertainty, they become fertile ground for recruitment into organized or sexual slavery.

The Hidden Treasures Project believes that no one is born a thief. We also believer that no one is born an athlete, or an artist, or a scientist, or a musician. Every human being has within himself the potential for good or evil. So before the potential for evil is awakened in the children of the favelas, the Hidden Treasures Project seeks to take them in and give them the kind of healthy life principles and moral values that will guide them into a productive life. In this way the hidden treasure within these children can be discovered, developed, and put to good use. Through the Hidden Treasures Project, the potential for our children to pass the traditional limits imposed on them in the favelas is limitless.

Beyond merely preaching and teaching the Gospel of Christ to these children, we offer them the opportunity to grow and develop into productive citizens. As our maturing children discover the pleasure of serving their communities the cycle of crime and misery is broken and a cycle of good is created in its place.

Each child has the potential to be a soccer player, an artist, a musician, craftsmen, and a businessman. They only need somebody to give them the ball, or the brush, or the guitar, or the tools, or the opportunity—and teach them how to use it.

We want a better future for this generation of children, and for that reason we need to invest in them. We have no other alternative. Instead of endlessly debating about crime reduction, we have chosen to acknowledge that we--as Christians—have not been diligent to do the positive things that can and will reduce crime. Our failure is evidenced by the existence of thousands of abandoned street children who pour out of our favelas into the streets or our cities.

Healing hands

A social revolution is needed, one that is peaceful, healing, and redemptive. And if we want to promote this kind of social revolution in the World, we must extend our hands to those who are less fortunate. Thus we believe that the same hands we raise in worship to God must be extended to our neighbors in love.

Buying the field
As in the parable of Jesus, for us to obtain the treasure in the field we must first acquire the field. To “buy the field” we have gone into dozens of favelas as if they were our own. We have done so to find the treasure of the favelas, which is the innumerable number of children who need our care. They are our hidden treasures.

What you can do

We need investors who, with their lives or their donations, can become partners in the Hidden Treasures Project. Please consider how you can participate with us in this Project. Be a volunteer and/or make a contribution.

Participate with us in this Project.
· Be a volunteer.
· Make a contribution.

Contact us by e-mail:

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